
Improve Elevator Energy Efficiency With These Tips

You probably wouldn’t expect an elevator to be the most resource-intensive component of your building for electricity. But some elevators use more energy than locker rooms, storage rooms, and employee lounges combined! Even if you’re using an old elevator, there are many ways to save energy in this device and improve its overall performance. Let’s look at some tips on reducing energy usage in elevators. If you want to lower your energy bills and protect the environment, you should make easy changes to your elevator control system. That is how you improve your elevator energy efficiency, and Vanguard Elevator can help. We are a commercial elevator company offering elevator maintenance and elevator repair services.

Intelligent Tracking

If you want to save energy bills, consider installing an intelligent tracking system in your commercial elevator. This will allow you to track how much energy is being used by each elevator at any given time. You can also monitor how long each ride takes and what time it leaves each floor to determine which areas use more energy than others. This will help you identify where the problem areas are and then make the necessary changes so that you can start saving money on your monthly utility bills.

Every Upgrade Can Improve Elevator Energy Use

Every improvement/upgrade counts in your quest to increase elevator energy efficiency. Stay on top of all elevator inspections and elevator maintenance. The first step is to find out where you’re wasting energy and correct it. The good news is that there are several ways you can do this. Identifying the sources of energy waste in your existing elevators is important. 

  • Lighting and Buttons – Most modern elevators have LED lighting, which uses less power than traditional fluorescent lights. With LED lights, you also don’t need as many bulbs because they last longer and require less maintenance. The same goes for buttons — ensure they’re illuminated only when needed. If anything isn’t fully working, schedule your elevator repair quickly.
  • Starter Replacement – A starter is an essential component of an elevator that is responsible for starting and stopping the elevator. Most starters have a lifespan of 15 years, but this can vary depending on factors like the number of starts per day and maintenance schedule. When it comes time to replace your starter, consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient model with regenerative drives or gearless technology. These units will save you money on energy costs while improving performance and reliability.
  • Controllers – The controller manages all the functions of an elevator, such as stopping at floors and opening and closing doors. Controllers also control lights, ventilation systems, and emergency communications systems. You can reduce energy consumption by upgrading controllers with more efficient models that run cooler and last longer than conventional controllers.
  • Destination Dispatch – It’s all about demand response. The destination dispatch system sends the elevator only to the floor where someone is waiting for it. This means the elevator won’t waste energy going up empty or down full just because it’s programmed to go from floor A to floor B at specific times. Destination dispatch systems allow for more accurate predictions about how many people will be using elevators at any given time — this makes them ideal for commercial buildings with unpredictable traffic patterns or multiple uses (like retail stores).
  • Regenerative Drive – A regenerative drive uses excess motor power to recharge the battery pack on an elevator car. This helps extend the life of your battery pack, which means less frequent replacements overall and lower maintenance costs for you as a property owner or manager.
  • Gearless Modernization – Gearless elevators have no moving parts in their gear shafts, which makes them more reliable than traditional elevators and reduces wear on cables and drums over time. In addition, gearless elevators are more efficient because they don’t require additional gears or motors to operate smoothly.
elevator energy

Upgrade With Vanguard Elevator

Doing your part to save energy is the right thing to do. Reducing your building’s energy consumption saves you money and helps improve occupant comfort, boosts property value, and may even qualify you for various tax and financial incentives. By implementing just a few of the simple changes mentioned above and working with a reputable elevator company like Vanguard Elevator, smart energy management starts today. A good, reliable elevator is worth its weight in gold, taking us where we need to go daily. However, elevators require maintenance and energy upgrades every now and then to keep them running smoothly. Old, outdated models offer significantly lower efficiency than more recent elevator models. As you budget for maintenance and upgrades, keep these tips in mind to help you get the biggest impact for your dollar.

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